Infograficzne etykiety na szufladki z elektroniką

17 października 2021 in Organizacja by Paweł Żentała3 minuty

Infograficzne etykiety na szufladki z elektroniką

Jak oznaczyłem 56+ szufladek z komponentami elektronicznymi, aby się nie pogubić co jest gdzie


Some context:

  1. i had problem to find component accros multiple drawers
  2. tape looked ugly

so I decided to use my design skills to solve both of them:


Finall effect


Quality improvment idea

I used a Brother PT-E550W printer which offers only 180dpi resolution, resulting in legible but slightly pixelated prints. For professional applications, I recommend a printer with 360dpi resolution, such as the PT-P900W, for clearer output. I used 24mm width semi-transparent tape. I strongly recommend these transparent tapes for a seamlessly blending or background-communing effect.

I cound’t publish icon set ;/

Sorry, but I can’t publish this icons set. It was remix of some radom icons found online, therfore at least some of them could be considered as copywrited. In order to avoid risk of any lawsuit, so I will not publish set of icons I made.

Free icons generator

If you want to generate similar icon set on your own, I publicy shared code of this framed icons generator. Unfortunately - to generate your own final images - you need to collect tje base icons itselfes on your own .

Waiting list

Do you want to be notified, when electronics stickers set will be released? Join to the waiting list now:

[input email] [btn submitt] TODO custom NL component

I will contact you, when - and only when - something new regarding this icons will happen. No unrelated emails at all. Word of scout!

Business idea for designer

TODO to wszyko w jakas ramke czy cos

If you have high vector skills, I have business cooperation proposal for you. If you like the idea of electronic components stickers set, let’s turn this concept into real business.


  1. As I mentioned above I can’t publish this icon set, because of copyrights. I would need a licence or open-source icons, to share this labels publicly. But…

  2. At this moment, at 2021, electronic icons sets avaliable on market are small. It is not possible to find unified set of icons, that I could convert into labels for my drawers. I needed to get icons from multiple sources. Noone already made a big electronics icons set, that looks unified.

Let’s solve this two problems at once! Let’s create new electronics icons set!

Target group

All of electronics icons creator targeted theirs icons for DTP and web purppose. Here we have anoteher, and clearer, target group: DIY contructors, R&D departments, LabLabs. All of them may need to organize the electronics components and could be read to pay for similar set. So let’s provide it to them!

Sopce of work

I mean, your work:

  1. Icons sets.
  2. Labels templates.

I will share my scope of work later.

Business model

We could earn some money by:

  1. selling icons sets
  2. selling printed stickers
  3. selling localized icons (with translations to native langs)
  4. services of desigining custom icons, matchin the set

This bussiness model could include some free basics icon set, of course.

My input

On my side, I will provide:

  • contact to potential clients - people already signed up on waiting list
  • webapp that will help clients to generate and order their own lables

I will additionally try to scale up to multi-countries markets. If we could find local partners to print and send ordered icons, then we could scale up to multiple countries.


Contact me!